Zdeněk & Katka Uhlik - Czech Republic

Dagmar Ručková, July 1, 2014

Hi Katka,

I write to thank you for the ministry you are doing with your husband. I am very grateful to God because of you. On November 24th 2012 you served our youth in our CB (Church of Brethren) in Český Těšín. I was not there but I was listening to it online. I felt and I believe that the Holy Spirit has led me to ask you with my husband for a prayer for the healing of our daughter Anička. Since her three years Anička (now 9yrs old) suffered of repeated inflammation of the bladder, which was manifested by high temperatures, bacteria in the urine, pain in abdomen and systematic enuresis. We have passed number of tests with her and those were always negative. We were searching for alternative treatment – herbs, exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor, etc. Nothing helped. Inflammation was always treated with antibiotics; sometimes she was taking antibiotics (a quarter of the dose) for half a year without a break. Inflammation always appeared from 4 to 6 times a year.  The entire family, friends, our home Bible group, we all prayed for healing. Prayers were answered.  On Sunday, November 25, thanks to your gift of prayer for healing, Anička was healed fully. Since that day, we visited nephrology for already three times. Anička has no trouble at all.

I praise the Lord for you. Thank you once again.

Let the Lord bless your ministry.

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