Zdeněk & Katka Uhlik - Czech Republic

Petra Danihelová, March 4, 2014

Apostolic Church (AC) Olomouc

In December I attended a seminar of Mr. and Mrs. Uhlík on internal healing. Although I have not felt any special sickness externally or inside and I live in faith for several years, the seminar still attracted me. I perceived the urgency in Katka´s speech and in the message which was passed to us. I was most impressed by the opinion that even sinless Christians can suffer long-term spiritual influences from the past or even the effects of a particular curse. With these influences it is simply hard to move as they reappear in our lives periodically with greater or lesser intensity. Theoretically, I understood that it is necessary to identify the cause of a problem. However, specific examples and the recommended publication "The Curse that Was Not Broken" helped me practically very much. On the basis of reading it, my husband and I decided together with our pastor to open certain things from our past and put an end to their influence, resolutely. Specifically, it was about the possible influence of demonic powers on our marriage and family. More and more things in which we have not had peace appeared suddenly during the prayer. It was necessary to reject and break various potential influences. We even discovered unconfessed sins of the past, which fundamentally embittered our relationship and marriage.

It is now obvious to us that the process of healing and complete liberation is just started. However, the weight of loads that gradually fell away is unspeakable. I believe that God beautifully timed all of these things and He strengthened and equipped us in advance, for example, I was baptized in Holy Spirit only a few days before your seminar.

I want to express great thanks to the couple of Mr. and Mrs. Uhlík, who stand bravely in the ministry, which is very much needed and inspirational for Christians and unbelievers, too.

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