Zdeněk & Katka Uhlik - Czech Republic

Veronika Stehlíková, March, 2013

Hi Katka,

At first I bless you with peace. On that Saturday I was with my aunt on your seminar regarding healing and because I have read the challenge in New Avalanche I did not hesitate to write you back and describe what happened subsequently. I want to thank you for your great service that you are doing with your husband for people and thank you for your open heart, a warm reception and an effort to understand others. The first thing is that since the Saturday when you prayed for my illness (I suffer from migraines and usually under the care of doctors) I still did not have any attack! I thank the Lord every day when my head does not hurt. You are a great testimony and encouragement for me. Besides of this we tackled our relationship with my husband and I think a miracle occurred there, too. Because we are in the process of divorce, the papers for the first trial in court should have come. But we have not received them yet, only God knows why. Moreover, my husband began to take care of our children more intensively and was willing to sign the division of matrimonial property at the notary. (We were solving the issue of his debts and loans.) I pray fervently what to do next. May the Lord give me recognition of what is good and keep me only in His way and not in the ways of what I like. That is all, thank you again very much and be blessed in all areas of your life.

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